Monday, June 16, 2014

New Registration & Round Times

Starting on June 22, our regular hours will be 1:15-7:45 p.m.

For most events, our official registration period will be 1:15 to 1:45 p.m. From 1:46 until 2:00 we will list-check and do a final confirmation via roll call. Once the roll call ends entries will be closed!

From 2:01-2:14 we will divide the players into sections and make the 1st round pairings.

Play is scheduled to begin at 2:15 p.m. Rounds 2 & 3 are slated for 4:00 & 5:45.

We expect quads & octos to end around 7:15 p.m. & be submitted for rating by 7:30.

Camejo & Qi Win Dad's Day Dud

The thrown-together team of NM Mauricio Camejo and Jonathan Qi won yesterday's quick-rated, novel and poorly attended Dynamic Duos.

Team Standings

1. Camejo & Qi 2.5
= 2. Kavy Sivakumar & Israel Shlionsky 2.0
= 2. Aaron & Areyh Shlionsky 2.0
= 2. Alex and Mark Schwartzberg 2.0
5. Michael & Nicole Yen 1.5
= 6. Michael & Jun Yin 1.0
= 6. John Moldovan & Pat Mazzillo 1.0
8. Desikan & Aayush Ajith 0.0

Individual Standings, by board

Board 1

1. A. Schwartzberg 2.5, = 2-3. Sivakumar & Camejo 2.0, = 4-5. M.Yen & Aa. Shlionsky 1.5 = 6-7. M. Yin & Moldovan 1.0, 8. A. Desikan 0.5

Board  2

1. Qi 3.0, = 2-4. Ar. Shlionsky, I. Shlionsky & M. Schwartzberg 2.0, = 5-7. N. Yen, P. Mazillo, J. Yin 1.0, 8. A. Ajith 0.0