Thursday, January 24, 2019

Update For January 27

Update for 1/27:

We've been given a green light to run both the Winter Scholastic and G/50 Quads on Sunday!

A combined turnout of 90 is expected. Our equipment capacity is 120 players.

Please arrive early. It would make our task easier.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Pre-Registration For Winter Scholastic

We are allowing pre-registration for Sunday's Westfield Winter Scholastic.

To do so, please send an email to before 11:00 a.m. on January 27th.

Please include the player's name, USCF ID number & denote which section (Open, U1250 or U750).

Advance registrants must check-in on-site by 12:10 p.m. to be paired for round 1.

Our total capacity is 120 players. Arrive early or risk being turned away.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Winter Scholastic Re-scheduled For January 27th

The Westfield Winter Scholastic has been re-scheduled for Sunday, January 27th.

G/50 Quads remain scheduled, pending YMCA approval.

If we have to cancel the Quads we will run 2 rounds of G/75 with the Scholastic.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Winter Scholastic Postponed, Make-up Date TBA

The weather forecast was wrong but...

the Westfield Chess Club will be closed on Sunday, January 20th.

Our Winter Scholastic will be re-scheduled. The date will be determined by Monday morning.
