Monday, April 20, 2015

Open Section Winners

Trophy winners from the Open Section of yesterday's Westfield Spring Scholastic:

From L-R: Roman Brustein (1st), Ronak Bhatia (5th), Jonathan Qi (Honorable Mention), Daniel Girsh (4th) and Sanjana Vittal (3rd).

Final Open Section Standings, in tie-break order.
Congratulations to the 16 trophy winners and thanks to all 37 who participated.

Our next Scholastic event will be on July 19th, 2015.

U1250 Winners

Trophy winners from the U1250 Section of yesterday's Westfield Spring Scholastic:

From L-R: Neil Samant (5th place), Warren Bu (3rd), Albert Yao (2nd) and Alexander Chen (1st).
Not pictured: Dina Brustein (4th).

The final U1250 standings, in tie-break order.

U750 Winners

Trophy winners from the U750 Section of yesterday's Westfield Spring Scholastic:

From L-R: Erika Mihaylov (4th), Michael Pylypovych (3rd), Alec Choi (5th), Rohan Narayanan (1st) and Justin Liu (2nd).

Final U750 Standings, in tiebreak-order.

Spring Scholastic Winners

Roman Brustein (1668), Alexander Chen (1215) and Rohan Narayanan (495) were section winners in yesterday's Westfield Spring Scholastic, which featured 37 participants.

The full list of trophy recipients and some additional photos will follow.

Scholastic Correction

In yesterday's Spring Scholastic, we misread/mis-entered the ID# for Julian Clark.
Our apologies to the player and his opponents. A correction has been sent to the USCF.
A report on the event will follow later today.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Thank You For Supporting Our New Events

To our patrons: Thank you for the positive feedback about our recent G/60 Quads & $-Per-Point Quads.

We will certainly run the G/60 again but, since an earlier start time in late June or early July is not possible, plans to hold another have been pushed back a month.

As for the $-Per-Point format... We'll try it within an Octos tournament in late-summer. To be honest, I'm kicking myself for not thinking of this tweak earlier.

The G/80 Quads?... They deserve another shot. Look for it in late-September, if the YMCA gives us the green light.

John Moldovan