Sunday, December 25, 2016

Happy Holidays

The Westfield Chess Club wishes its members and friends the happiest of holidays.

We thank you for making 2016 our best year to date!

Additional Photos From The Club Championship

Here are some additional photos taken during rounds 3 & 4 of our recent Club Championship, sorted by section:






Monday, December 12, 2016

Sanjana Vittal Wins Westfield Championship

13 year old WFM Sanjana Vittal won the 2016 Westfield Club Championship yesterday, defeating 2 Masters to finish with a perfect 4-0 score.

She dispatched LM James West in round 3 & clinched the crown by upending NM Max Lu, the nation's 3rd-ranked 11 year old.

Here is the latter game:
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1.d4 d5 2.Nc3 This is playable but 2.c4 & a Q's Gambit or 2.Nf3 /\ 3.c4 is more thematic. 2...Nf6 2...c6 3.e4 makes a Caro-Kann & 2...e6 3.e4 forms a French. 3.Bg5 Veresov's System. 3.Bf4 is Barry's Attack. 3...Bf5 Black chooses quick, active development over 3...Nbd7 & structural preservation. 4.Bxf6 White seizes the opportunity & gives his foe doubled pawns. exf6 5.e3 c6 6.Bd3 6.Nf3 Bd6 7.Be2N is passive & leaves Black with the B pair. 6.Nge2 Bd6 7.Ng3 Bc8! N 8.Bd3 g6 is weaker still. 6...Bxd3 7.Qxd3 Bd6 8.e4 dxe4 9.Nxe4
We now have a Tartakower Caro-Kann structure but, since there are fewer pieces here, the 2nd player should, at least in the middlegame, have an easier task compared to 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nf6 5.Nxf6+ exf6, which is rarely seen at the top levels these days. 9...Bc7N 9...0-0 9...Bb4+ & 9...Be7 had been tried previously. 10.0-0-0 0-0 With the kings residing on opposite sides of the board an interesting fight is on the card. 11.Ne2 Na6 11...Nd7 12.d5 Ne5 was an option. The Na6-Bc7 alignment seems somewhat artificial & I wonder where Black's Q will go. 12.Qb3
12.a3 , keeping the enemy steed from coming into b4, is more solid than pawn-hunting on the Q-side. However, Max needs a win to net a share of 1st place while a draw will do the same for Sanjana. 12...Qe7! 13.N2g3 If 13.Qxb7?? then Bf4+-+ 13...Qe6 14.Qa4? 14.Qxe6 fxe6 15.c3= 14...Qd5?! 14...Rfe8 15.c4 Qa5?! 15...Qd8= 16.Qb3?! 16.Qxa5 Bxa5 17.d5 16...b5 17.cxb5 Rab8 18.Qc3??
18.Nc3 Bf4+ 19.Kb1 Nc7 20.Nf5 18...Nb4? 18...Qxa2‼-+ ∆19.bxa6 Rb3 19.Qa3? 19.Qc4 Rxb5 20.Nc3 19...Qxb5 20.Kb1 Rb6? 20...Bxg3 21.Nxg3 Rb6-+ 21.Nc5 Rfb8!? 21...Bxg3 22.fxg3 Ra6 22.Qb3? 22.Qa4 Qc4 23.Nd7 Ra6 ≤22.Nd7?? Bxg3-+ ∆23.Nxb6? Qf5+ 24.Ka1? Nc2+ 25.Kb1 Nxa3+ 26.Ka1 Qb1+! 27.Rxb1 Nc2# 22...Qa5 23.Nd7?? 23.Qc4 23...Nd5?? 23...Bxg3 24.Nxb6 Qf5+ 25.Ka1 Bd6-+ when White can't save his N with 26.Nc4 , for example, because Black has Nc2+ discovering on the Q 27.Kb1 Rxb3 etc. 24.Nxb6 Rxb6
25.Rde1? 25.Qc4 returning the Exchange Nc3+ 26.Ka1 Nxd1 27.Rxd1= 25...g6 26.Qc4 Qd2 27.Qc1 Qxd4 28.Ka1 Be5 29.Re2? 29.Rxe5 fxe5 30.Nf5! ( ∆gxf5?? 31.Qg5+ with an inevitable draw by repetition) was the only try but even that may be losing. 29...Nf4-+ 30.Rd2 Now Black's steed joins the attack upon b2. 30.Rxe5 fxe5 31.Rd1 Nd3 32.Qc2 Qxb2+ 33.Qxb2 Nxb2 34.Rd8+ but that's 2 pawns in the red. 30...Nd3 31.Rhd1 White is without resource. After 31.Rxd3 Qxd3 he loses his Q. 31...Qb4 32.Qb1 Again 32.Rxd3 Bxb2+ is no help. 32...Nxb2 Mate is in the air. 33.Rd8+ Kg7 34.Re1 Nd1+ White resigns
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14-time champ LM Todd Lunna had to settle for 2nd place & expert Eric Li (the nation's 3rd-ranked nine-year-old!) was 3rd.

The U2200 prize (pooled with U2000 & 2nd U2000) went to David Zhurbinsky, Keshav Rao, NM Maricio Camejo, Abhimanyu Mishra, Louis Leiggi, Michael O'Connor & Boyang Zhao.

U1800 Section Winners

1st place: Abinav Mundayat
2nd place (+ U1600): Ramneek Singh, Tarosh Gurramkonda, Benjamin Ma, Paul Gottlieb & Shravan Varadharajan
U1400: Aiden Lu & Bowen Liu

U1200 Section Winners
= 1st/2nd: Audrey Hu, Ryan Chen & Rohan Narayanan
U1000: Yussef Diakite
U800: Eli Rosenblatt

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Revised Open Pairings & Prize List

Revised Open Section Wall Chart & Pairings for the 3rd Round

Radomskyj withdrew. Moldovan reverted to inactive. 2nd bye for Chinnambeti rescinded.

Due to the large turnout in the Open Section, we have increased & added prizes.

The revised list is now:
1st $100
2nd $80
3rd $60
U2200 $50.01
U2000 $50.00
2nd U2000 $40

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Revised U1800, U1200 Standings & Pairings

2 mis-marked results from round 2 have been corrected.

We have revised the U1800 & U1200 standings & re-paired those sections:

Monday, December 5, 2016

M. Lu, Lunna & Vittal Lead Club Championship

NM Max Lu, LM Todd Lunna & WFM Sanjana Vittal lead the 2016 Westfield Championship at its midway mark. 6 players are just a half-point behind, including LM James West.

In the Under 1800 Section Abinav Mundayat & Paul Gottlieb Ramneek Singh are tied for 1st.

Rohan Narayanan heads the U1200 section.

A record 51 players are participating, including 31 in the Open Section!!

The event concludes next Sunday, with rounds at 12:30 & 4:00 p.m.

If you are withdrawing, please contact the organizer ASAP.

Standings, after 2 rounds of 4:
(Contains errors. click here for corrections)

 3rd Round Pairings (subject to change)
(Contains errors. click here for corrections)

Post updated 12/6/2016 at 8:10 a.m.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Westfield Club Championship Starts Today!

The Westfield Club Championship starts today!

Registration is from 11:45 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.

Rounds 1 & 2 are at 12:30 & 4:00 p.m.
Rounds 3 & 4 are next week (Dec. 11) at the same times.

Click on the photo above to view details.

Westfield Team Drops GSCL Opener

On November 20th, Westfield dropped its inaugural Garden State Chess League match to Newark-McDonald's 2.5-1.5.


We started on a good note, with Kevin Dresher holding his game & Brandon Ng providing a lead, but faltered on the lower boards, where Newark rallied to tie & emerge ahead, with wins by Greg Shaw & Alex Hu.

 Lev Zilbermintz (bottom left) vs. Dresher & Ng (top right) vs. Michael O'Connor.

Hu (bottom right) vs. Donnally Miller & Ram Damodaran vs. Shaw (top right).

Westfield's remaining schedule.